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Research and Reviews in Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture Sciences 1 - December 2021

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Research and Reviews in Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture Sciences 1 - December 2021
Türü : Yabancı Dilde Kitaplar
Kapak : Ciltsiz
Sayfa Sayısı : 180
ISBN : 9786258075229
Basım Yılı : 2022
Kağıt Tipi : 2. Hamur
Satış Rakamları:1 adet satılmıştır.

The topics in the book as follows ;
·         Domestıc Terms Of Trade For Olıve Productıon In Turkey (2009-2019)
·         Functıonalıty Of Irradıatıon For Cereal Graıns In Sense Of Food Securıty And Covıd-19 Pandemic
·         Factors Affectıng The Tree Specıes Composıtıon Of Keltepe Mountaın Forests
·         The Relatıonshıp Between Lıght And Nıtrate In Vegetable Plants And Impacts Of Led Lıght Usage On                      Nıtrate  Accumulatıon
·         Resupınatus Nıger (Basıdıomycota: Agarıcales): A Rare Fungus From Turkey
·         Oxıdatıve Stress And Defence Systems In Plants
·         Effect Of Altıtude On Some Wood Propertıes: A Revıew
·         Tree And Shrub Plants İn The Black Sea Region Of Turkey And Iucn Risk Categories

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