Gelince Haber VerThis studytitled Historyof theLiteratureof Military ArtandScienceduringthe Ottoman Period(OASLT) is thefifth bookin the Historyof Ottoman Scientific Literature Series. It covers the years 1299-1923 in Ottoman history and geography and deals with the authors and their works that comprise books, treatises, reprints, maps,etc.,about militaryartandscience.The worksofknown authorsarefollowedbyanonymous works that were written duringthe same period and within the same geography. The works, which this study focuses on, are divided according to the following subjects: Military laws and regulations; military literature; military geography; military art and science; military engineering; health and hygiene; ballistics; aphorisms of famous commanders;guns; machineguns; tanks; infantry, thecavalry; marksmanship; mapsandsketches;aviation-airplanes-balloons,etc.The main objectiveof thisbookis topresent information on theliteratureof militaryartandscienceduringthe Ottoman periodfor thebenefitof thereadersandresearchers,as well as providing facilities for those who do research in this field and guide them in their studies.